
[vc_row][/vc_row][vc_column][trx_columns][trx_column_item][trx_image url=”1120″ width=”570″][/trx_column_item][trx_column_item][trx_title type=”6″ font_size=”12px” color=”#be393e”]ABOUT[/trx_title][trx_title type=”2″ top=”null”]Devitra Space Meditation[/trx_title][vc_column_text]Space meditation starts at the Heart and spreads outwards. Basic levels include visual context and breath control.  Once the foundation is laid, moving more into the complexities and advanced versions of Pranayama.
The main goal of all our meditation techniques is to learn how to Let go, Allow & Flow…
Cultivating deeper breath allows us to move from our everyday redundant “same ol same ol” into the bigger picture. Most of us want to do this, but seem to find a reason or distraction that pull us away from ourselves, anything from social media to binge watching certain TV shows. Enter the Intuitive Higher Self, the part of you that sees all, knows all and understands all… the best part of The Higher Self is that it never gives up on creating opportunities (and space) for you to get to know more of you. There are many levels and forms of meditation: more commonly for anxiety, control, fear, uncertainty, anguish or loss. Within that space lies Pure Positive Power that melds with the heart of who you are and represents the essence of your soul’s highest potential.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”2em”][/trx_column_item][/trx_columns][/vc_column]


Devitra Space Meditation

Space meditation starts at the Heart and spreads outwards. Basic levels include visual context and breath control.  Once the foundation is laid, moving more into the complexities and advanced versions of Pranayama.

"The main goal of all our meditation techniques is to learn how to Let go, Allow & Flow..."

Cultivating deeper breath allows us to move from our everyday redundant “same ol same ol” into the bigger picture. Most of us want to do this, but seem to find a reason or distraction that pull us away from ourselves, anything from social media to binge watching certain TV shows.

Enter the Intuitive Higher Self, the part of you that sees all, knows all and understands all… the best part of The Higher Self is that it never gives up on creating opportunities (and space) for you to get to know more of you.

There are many levels and forms of meditation: more commonly for anxiety, control, fear, uncertainty, anguish or loss. Within that space lies Pure Positive Power that melds with the heart of who you are and represents the essence of your soul’s highest potential.