Devitra Yoga

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[vc_row][/vc_row][vc_column][trx_columns][trx_column_item][trx_image url=”1154″ width=”570″][vc_empty_space height=”2em”][vc_btn title=”BOOK AN APPOINTMENT” shape=”square” color=”success” link=”|||”][/trx_column_item][trx_column_item][trx_title type=”6″ font_size=”12px” color=”#be393e”]ABOUT[/trx_title][trx_title type=”2″ top=”null”]Connection, Self-Healing and Intuition[/trx_title][vc_column_text]Devitra Yoga practice is centered upon connection to the heart. There we find the Compassion we often seek on the outside. Yoga is about Union on many levels with the taste of True Love for yourSelf. Lighting the fire of unification within, through expansion and exploration, Devitra yoga teaches us to connect to, speak with, and understand The Higher Self.   The beauty of private yoga sessions (one on one) is the room to allow for the inner guidance of The Higher Self system to emerge. Centered upon equanimity within a unique Self-balanced approach, the focus and  guidance shifts towards optimum growth within the heart, physical body and mind leading to the Higher Self. This hidden inherent part of us lies at the core of our being. We sometimes tend to overlook this aspect of ourselves while living our day to day lives. This branch of yoga offers expression and freedom. Once the foundational poses are established there is less physical assistance needed. Duration can be anywhere from 45-90 minutes.

Step 1: Connection …   Getting in touch

Identifying destructive pathways helps us to alleviate negative patterns that get stored within our mind then our muscles and body tissue. So often we get caught up with everyday life, we get used to carrying and  “dealing” with stress on a daily basis. We forget what it feels like to be fully relaxed. After a while we begin to search on the exterior for our Piece of Peace.

Step 2:  Self-Healing …  Realization &  Re-Routing

The path of self-healing starts with you… Changing inner dialogue becomes an ingrained patterning that  involves worry, doubt, anger, frustration, resentment, victimization etc. To heal nourishing motivating, encouraging. This process starts with clear communication within the brain and moves into the physical body through intent.

Step 3: Intuition is King

Acceptance of whatever the current situation is gives allowance to the “Tuning in” process. We switch to inner communication, a vital key to a calm peaceful body and mind. Creating a bridge to The Higher Self, the part of us that knows more than what we identify with, more than the mind’s thought processes and past experiences. Tuning in means being aware of the feeling of our vibration, and aware of what enters our field of energy. Working towards the bridge of communication gives us a sense of WHOLENESS.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”2em”][/trx_column_item][/trx_columns][/vc_column]

Connection, Self-Healing and Intuition

Devitra Yoga practice is centered upon connection to the heart. There we find the Compassion we often seek on the outside. Yoga is about Union on many levels with the taste of True Love for yourSelf.

Lighting the fire of unification within, through expansion and exploration, Devitra yoga teaches us to connect to, speak with, and understand The Higher Self.

The beauty of private yoga sessions (one on one) is the room to allow for the inner guidance of The Higher Self system to emerge. Centered upon equanimity within a unique Self-balanced approach, the focus and guidance shifts towards optimum growth within the heart, physical body and mind leading to the Higher Self.

This hidden inherent part of us lies at the core of our being. We sometimes tend to overlook this aspect of ourselves while living our day to day lives. This branch of yoga offers expression and freedom. Once the foundational poses are established there is less physical assistance needed. Duration can be anywhere from 45-90 minutes

Step 1: Connection … Getting in touch

Identifying destructive pathways helps us to alleviate negative patterns that get stored within our mind then our muscles and body tissue. So often we get caught up with everyday life, we get used to carrying and “dealing” with stress on a daily basis.

We forget what it feels like to be fully relaxed. After a while we begin to search on the exterior for our Piece of Peace.

Step 2: Self-Healing … Realization & Re-Routing

The path of self-healing starts with you… Changing inner dialogue becomes an ingrained patterning that  involves worry, doubt, anger, frustration, resentment, victimization etc.

To heal nourishing motivating, encouraging. This process starts with clear communication within the brain and moves into the physical body through intent.

Step 3: Intuition is King

Acceptance of whatever the current situation is gives allowance to the “Tuning in” process. We switch to inner communication, a vital key to a calm peaceful body and mind. Creating a bridge to The Higher Self, the part of us that knows more than what we identify with, more than the mind’s thought processes and past experiences.

Tuning in means being aware of the feeling of our vibration, and aware of what enters our field of energy. Working towards the bridge of communication gives us a sense of WHOLENESS.