Energy Balancing

[vc_row][/vc_row][vc_column][trx_columns][trx_column_item][trx_image url=”1142″ width=”570″][vc_empty_space height=”2em”][vc_btn title=”BOOK AN APPOINTMENT” shape=”square” color=”success” link=”|||”][/trx_column_item][trx_column_item][trx_title type=”6″ font_size=”12px” color=”#be393e”]H.E.A.L.[/trx_title][trx_title type=”2″ top=”null”]Crysun Energy Balancing Solutions™[/trx_title][vc_column_text]We are all made of star stuff that we call the Soul. The soul is continuously sending signals out through small concentrated areas, throughout our physical body. This type of energetic activity is information that can be read by people who are highly sensitive to it. The conduits are known as The chakras and act as conjunction points between the physical and nonphysical body. With the assistance of spiritual guides and sometimes crystals sensitive people can read in and translate the energy into words or symbols and channel healing solutions such as tapping and plant based essential oils to assist the person in the process of auto-healing. The goal of balancing a person’s chakras is to return the person into homeostasis or wholeness, the Earth’s frequency.

Heart in all that you put your energy towards


Envision yourself in optimum health


Alignment with the Earth’s vibration


Love yourself through all situations

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Crysun Energy Balancing Solutions™

We are all made of star stuff that we call the Soul. The soul is continuously sending signals out through small concentrated areas, throughout our physical body. This type of energetic activity is information that can be read by people who are highly sensitive to it. The conduits are known as The chakras and act as conjunction points between the physical and nonphysical body.

With the assistance of spiritual guides and sometimes crystals sensitive people can read in and translate the energy into words or symbols and channel healing solutions such as tapping and plant based essential oils to assist the person in the process of auto-healing.

The goal of balancing a person’s chakras is to return the person into homeostasis or wholeness, the Earth’s frequency.


Heart in all that you put your energy towards


Envision yourself in optimum health


Alignment with the Earth’s vibration


Love yourself through all situations